RMF Control AT-6: Training Feedback requires organizations to solicit and incorporate feedback from personnel to continually improve the effectiveness of information security and privacy training.

Supplemental Guidance

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a cybersecurity framework that provides a process for managing cybersecurity risk to systems and organizations. RMF Control AT-6: Training Feedback is one of the controls in the AT family, which addresses awareness and training.

Training feedback is important for a number of reasons. First, it can help organizations to identify areas where their training programs can be improved. Second, it can help organizations to ensure that their training programs are meeting the needs of their employees. Third, it can help organizations to gauge the effectiveness of their training programs.

Benefits of Implementing RMF Control AT-6

There are a number of benefits to implementing RMF Control AT-6, including:

  • Improved effectiveness of training programs: Training feedback can help organizations to identify areas where their training programs can be improved and to make changes to their training programs to make them more effective.
  • Increased employee engagement: Training feedback can help organizations to increase employee engagement in their training programs by showing employees that their feedback is valued and that it is being used to improve the training programs.
  • Improved security posture: More effective training programs can help organizations to improve their security posture by ensuring that employees have the knowledge and skills they need to protect the organization from cybersecurity threats.

How to Implement RMF Control AT-6

To implement RMF Control AT-6, organizations should:

  1. Develop a process for soliciting training feedback from employees. This process should include:
    • Identifying the types of feedback that will be solicited. For example, organizations may want to solicit feedback on the content of the training programs, the delivery methods of the training programs, and the overall effectiveness of the training programs.
    • Identifying the methods that will be used to solicit feedback. For example, organizations may want to solicit feedback through surveys, interviews, or focus groups.
  2. Implement the process for soliciting training feedback from employees.
  3. Analyze the training feedback that is received. This includes identifying areas where the training programs can be improved and developing a plan to make the necessary improvements.
  4. Implement the plan to improve the training programs.
  5. Monitor the effectiveness of the training programs on an ongoing basis and continue to solicit feedback from employees to make further improvements as needed.

Examples of Training Feedback

Some examples of training feedback that organizations can solicit from employees include:

  • Content: Is the training content relevant to my job role? Is the training content up-to-date? Is the training content presented in a clear and concise manner?
  • Delivery: Is the training delivery method effective? Is the training engaging? Is the training interactive?
  • Overall effectiveness: Did the training help me to learn new information? Did the training help me to develop new skills? Did the training help me to improve my understanding of cybersecurity threats and vulnerabilities?


RMF Control AT-6: Training Feedback is an important control that can help organizations to improve the effectiveness of their training programs and to improve their security posture. By implementing RMF Control AT-6, organizations can solicit and incorporate feedback from employees to continually improve the effectiveness of their information security and privacy training.

Additional Tips for Implementing RMF Control AT-6

  • Make it easy for employees to provide feedback: Organizations should make it easy for employees to provide feedback on their training programs. This can be done by providing employees with a variety of ways to provide feedback, such as through surveys, interviews, or focus groups.
  • Be responsive to feedback: Organizations should be responsive to the feedback that they receive from employees. This means taking the feedback seriously and making changes to the training programs to address the feedback.
  • Communicate with employees: Organizations should communicate with employees about the feedback that they have received and the changes that they are making to the training programs in response to the feedback. This will help employees to see that their feedback is valued and that it is being used to improve the training programs.

By following these tips, organizations can effectively implement RMF Control AT-6 and improve the effectiveness of their training programs.