RMF Control AT-4: Training Records requires organizations to document and monitor individual information security and privacy training activities, including security and privacy awareness training and specific role-based security and privacy training; and retain individual training records for [Assignment: organization-defined time period].

Supplemental Guidance

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a cybersecurity framework that provides a process for managing cybersecurity risk to systems and organizations. RMF Control AT-4: Training Records is one of the controls in the AT family, which addresses awareness and training.

Training records are important for a number of reasons. First, they provide evidence that employees have received the required training. Second, they can be used to identify employees who may need additional training. Third, they can be used to investigate security incidents and determine if employee training was a factor.

Benefits of Implementing RMF Control AT-4

There are a number of benefits to implementing RMF Control AT-4, including:

  • Improved security posture: Training records can help to improve the security posture of an organization by providing evidence that employees have received the required training and that they are aware of the organization’s security policies and procedures.
  • Reduced risk of security incidents: Training records can help to reduce the risk of security incidents by helping to identify employees who may need additional training and by providing a record of employee training that can be used to investigate security incidents.
  • Increased compliance: Many regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), require organizations to maintain training records for their employees.

How to Implement RMF Control AT-4

To implement RMF Control AT-4, organizations should:

  1. Develop a process for documenting and monitoring individual information security and privacy training activities. This process should include:
    • Identifying the information security and privacy training activities that employees must complete.
    • Tracking employee progress in completing the required training activities.
    • Generating training records that document employee completion of the required training activities.
  2. Retain individual training records for an organization-defined time period. The length of time that training records should be retained will vary depending on the organization’s risk environment and regulatory requirements.
  3. Monitor training records to identify employees who may need additional training. This can be done by reviewing training records on a regular basis and identifying employees who have not completed the required training activities or who have not completed the required training activities on time.

Examples of Training Records

Training records can be in a variety of formats, such as electronic records, paper records, or a combination of both. Some examples of training records include:

  • Training certificates: Training certificates are a common type of training record. Training certificates typically document the training that an employee has completed, the date that the training was completed, and the name of the organization that provided the training.
  • Training transcripts: Training transcripts are another common type of training record. Training transcripts typically document the topics that were covered in a training course and the employee’s participation in the training course.
  • Training assessments: Training assessments can be used to document an employee’s understanding of the material that was covered in a training course. Training assessments can be in the form of quizzes, tests, or other types of evaluations.


RMF Control AT-4: Training Records is an important control that can help organizations to improve their security posture and reduce the risk of security incidents. By implementing RMF Control AT-4, organizations can ensure that they have a record of the training that their employees have received and that they can identify employees who may need additional training.

Additional Tips for Implementing RMF Control AT-4

  • Use a training management system: A training management system (TMS) can help organizations to automate the process of documenting and monitoring training activities. A TMS can also help organizations to generate training records and to track employee progress in completing the required training activities.
  • Store training records securely: Training records should be stored securely to prevent unauthorized access. Training records can be stored electronically or in paper form. If training records are stored electronically, they should be encrypted. If training records are stored in paper form, they should be stored in a locked cabinet or other secure location.
  • Regularly review training records: Training records should be reviewed on a regular basis to identify employees who may need additional training. Training records should also be reviewed to ensure that they are complete and accurate.