RMF Control AC-23: Data Mining Protection is a cybersecurity control that helps to protect information systems by detecting and protecting against unauthorized data mining. Data mining is the process of extracting knowledge from large datasets. While data mining can be a valuable tool, it can also be used to compromise the security of information systems.

Data Mining Protection Requirements

The RMF Control AC-23: Data Mining Protection requirements are specified in NIST Special Publication 800-53, Revision 5. The requirements state that the organization must:

  • Employ organization-defined data mining prevention and detection techniques for organization-defined data storage objects to adequately detect and protect against data mining.

Data Mining Protection Best Practices

In addition to the RMF Control AC-23: Data Mining Protection requirements, there are a number of best practices that organizations can follow to improve their data mining protection posture. These best practices include:

  • Implementing a variety of data mining prevention and detection techniques. There are a number of different techniques that can be used to prevent and detect data mining, such as limiting the number and frequency of database queries, using differential privacy, and implementing anomaly detection.
  • Monitoring and auditing data mining activity to identify and respond to suspicious activity. This can be done using a variety of tools and techniques, such as security information and event management (SIEM) solutions and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  • Educating users on the importance of data mining protection and how to protect their data. This can be done through training programs, documentation, and other resources.

Benefits of Data Mining Protection

Data mining protection can provide a number of benefits to organizations, including:

  • Reduced risk of data breaches: Data mining protection can help to reduce the risk of data breaches by making it more difficult for unauthorized users to extract sensitive information from large datasets.
  • Improved compliance: Data mining protection can help organizations to comply with a variety of security regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • Increased customer trust: Data mining protection can help organizations to increase customer trust by demonstrating that they are committed to protecting customer data.

How to Implement Data Mining Protection

There are a number of ways to implement data mining protection. One common approach is to use a data mining prevention and detection solution. These solutions can help organizations to implement a variety of data mining prevention and detection techniques.

Another approach to implementing data mining protection is to develop and implement custom data mining prevention and detection techniques. This approach can be more complex and expensive, but it can provide organizations with more control over their data mining protection posture.

Example of Data Mining Protection

One example of data mining protection is when an organization uses a data mining prevention and detection solution to monitor and audit database activity for suspicious behavior. This solution may flag unusual database queries or patterns of activity that could indicate that unauthorized data mining is taking place.

Another example of data mining protection is when an organization uses differential privacy to protect their data. Differential privacy is a technique that can be used to add noise to data in a way that protects the privacy of individuals while still allowing the data to be used for analysis.


RMF Control AC-23: Data Mining Protection is an important cybersecurity control that helps to protect information systems by detecting and protecting against unauthorized data mining. By following the RMF Control AC-23: Data Mining Protection requirements and best practices, organizations can help to improve their security posture, reduce the risk of data breaches, and increase customer trust.

Additional Tips for Implementing and Enforcing Data Mining Protection

  • Use a centralized system to manage data mining protection policies and procedures. This will help to ensure that data mining protection is implemented and enforced consistently across the organization.
  • Implement a risk-based approach to data mining protection. This will help to ensure that data mining protection efforts are focused on the areas of greatest risk.
  • Monitor and audit data mining activity to identify and respond to suspicious activity. This can be done using a variety of tools and techniques, such as security information and event management (SIEM) solutions and intrusion detection systems (IDS).
  • Educate users on the importance of data mining protection and how to protect their data. This can be done through training programs, documentation, and other resources.

By following these tips, organizations can help to ensure that their data mining protection is implemented and enforced effectively.