RMF Control CP-4: Contingency Plan Testing requires organizations to test their contingency plans at least annually to ensure that they are effective and up-to-date. Contingency plans are plans that describe how an organization will respond to a disruption in its operations. Contingency plan testing is the process of simulating a disruption and evaluating the organization’s response.

Supplemental Guidance

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a cybersecurity framework that provides a process for managing cybersecurity risk to systems and organizations. RMF Control CP-4: Contingency Plan Testing is one of the controls in the CP family, which addresses contingency planning.

Contingency plan testing is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to ensure that contingency plans are effective. By testing contingency plans, organizations can identify any weaknesses in the plans and make necessary corrections. Second, contingency plan testing helps to ensure that contingency plans are up-to-date. By regularly testing contingency plans, organizations can ensure that the plans reflect changes in the organization’s environment and operations. Third, contingency plan testing helps to familiarize employees with the contingency plans and to practice their response to a disruption.

Benefits of Implementing RMF Control CP-4

There are a number of benefits to implementing RMF Control CP-4, including:

  • Improved security posture: Contingency plan testing can help organizations to improve their security posture by helping them to ensure that they can effectively respond to a disruption in operations.
  • Reduced risk of business disruptions: Contingency plan testing can help to reduce the risk of business disruptions by helping organizations to identify and mitigate any weaknesses in their contingency plans.
  • Improved compliance: Many regulations require organizations to have contingency plans in place and to test those plans on a regular basis.

How to Implement RMF Control CP-4

To implement RMF Control CP-4, organizations should:

  1. Develop a contingency plan testing plan. The contingency plan testing plan should identify the contingency plans that need to be tested, the frequency of testing, and the methods that will be used to test the contingency plans.
  2. Implement the contingency plan testing plan.
  3. Evaluate the results of the contingency plan testing.
  4. Make necessary corrections to the contingency plans and/or the contingency plan testing plan.

Examples of Contingency Plan Testing

There are a number of different ways to test contingency plans. Some examples of contingency plan testing methods include:

  • Tabletop exercises: Tabletop exercises are simulations of a disruption in operations that are conducted in a classroom setting.
  • Functional exercises: Functional exercises are simulations of a disruption in operations that involve testing specific contingency plan procedures.
  • Full-scale exercises: Full-scale exercises are simulations of a disruption in operations that involve all aspects of the organization’s response.


RMF Control CP-4: Contingency Plan Testing is an important control that can help organizations to improve their security posture, reduce the risk of business disruptions, and improve compliance. By implementing RMF Control CP-4, organizations can test their contingency plans at least annually to ensure that they are effective and up-to-date.

Additional Tips for Implementing RMF Control CP-4

  • Involve stakeholders in the contingency plan testing process: Organizations should involve stakeholders, such as IT staff, security staff, and business owners, in the contingency plan testing process. This will help to ensure that all aspects of the organization’s response to a disruption are tested.
  • Use a variety of contingency plan testing methods: Organizations should use a variety of contingency plan testing methods, such as tabletop exercises, functional exercises, and full-scale exercises. This will help to ensure that all aspects of the contingency plans are tested.
  • Regularly review and update the contingency plan testing plan: Organizations should regularly review and update the contingency plan testing plan to ensure that it reflects changes in the organization’s environment and operations.