RMF Control AU-1: Policy and Procedures requires organizations to establish and maintain a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to address the security and privacy of information systems and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by those systems.

Supplemental Guidance

The Risk Management Framework (RMF) is a cybersecurity framework that provides a process for managing cybersecurity risk to systems and organizations. RMF Control AU-1: Policy and Procedures is one of the controls in the AU family, which addresses audit and accountability.

Policies and procedures are important for a number of reasons. First, they provide clear guidance to employees on how to protect the organization’s information systems and information. Second, they help to ensure that the organization is complying with applicable laws and regulations. Third, they can help the organization to respond to security incidents more effectively.

Benefits of Implementing RMF Control AU-1

There are a number of benefits to implementing RMF Control AU-1, including:

  • Improved security posture: Policies and procedures can help organizations to improve their security posture by providing clear guidance to employees on how to protect the organization’s information systems and information.
  • Reduced risk of security incidents: Policies and procedures can help to reduce the risk of security incidents by providing employees with the knowledge and skills they need to protect the organization from cybersecurity threats.
  • Improved compliance: Policies and procedures can help organizations to comply with applicable laws and regulations by providing a framework for managing cybersecurity risk.
  • Reduced costs: Policies and procedures can help organizations to reduce the costs associated with security incidents by helping to prevent security incidents from occurring.

How to Implement RMF Control AU-1

To implement RMF Control AU-1, organizations should:

  1. Identify the information systems and information that need to be protected.
  2. Identify the laws and regulations that apply to the organization’s information systems and information.
  3. Develop policies and procedures to address the security and privacy of the identified information systems and information.
  4. Implement the policies and procedures.
  5. Monitor and update the policies and procedures on an ongoing basis.

Examples of RMF Control AU-1 Policies and Procedures

Some examples of RMF Control AU-1 policies and procedures include:

  • Information security policy: This policy should define the organization’s overall approach to information security.
  • Password policy: This policy should establish requirements for employee passwords, such as password length, complexity, and expiration.
  • Data encryption policy: This policy should establish requirements for the encryption of data at rest and in transit.
  • Incident response plan: This plan should define how the organization will respond to security incidents.


RMF Control AU-1: Policy and Procedures is an important control that can help organizations to improve their security posture, reduce the risk of security incidents, improve compliance, and reduce costs. By implementing RMF Control AU-1, organizations can establish and maintain a comprehensive set of policies and procedures to address the security and privacy of information systems and the information processed, stored, and transmitted by those systems.

Additional Tips for Implementing RMF Control AU-1

  • Involve stakeholders in the development of policies and procedures: Organizations should involve stakeholders in the development of policies and procedures to ensure that the policies and procedures are comprehensive, effective, and feasible to implement.
  • Make policies and procedures accessible to employees: Organizations should make policies and procedures accessible to employees so that they can easily understand and follow the policies and procedures.
  • Train employees on policies and procedures: Organizations should train employees on policies and procedures so that they understand their roles and responsibilities in protecting the organization’s information systems and information.
  • Monitor and update policies and procedures on an ongoing basis: Organizations should monitor and update policies and procedures on an ongoing basis to ensure that they are effective and up-to-date.

By following these tips, organizations can effectively implement RMF Control AU-1 and improve their security posture.